Sunday, April 28, 2024

April 27 - Somewhere off the Aleutians

We’re on Day Five of six sea days as we cross the north Pacific and make our way from the eastern to the western hemisphere.  This part of the ocean can be very rough, but King Neptune has smiled on us in that regard because the seas have been calm.  The temperature is a different story.  Today it’s about 38° F and that’s actually a little warmer than it was yesterday.  For the first time in several days the sun has come out this afternoon.

These sea days would be delightful except for one thing.  We’ve been setting the clocks forward one hour every night and tonight we’re doing it again.  Additionally yesterday we crossed the International Date Line.  Two nights ago that meant that we turned watches, iPads, and other electronic devices back a full day and then forward one hour; in other words, we did a 23 hour jump.  The upshot is that most of us aren’t sure what day and what time it is.  All I know is that I don’t like 23 hour days and I’d much rather be traveling from east to west and gaining an extra hour every day.

As usual there are lectures, games and classes, but honestly I think many of us, myself included, are feeling more than a little lethargic.  Yesterday I did something I almost never do – I took a nap.  I just spoke with the captain and we have two more days to change clocks before we get to Alaska time.  I commented that we were fortunate to have such calm seas and he said we were just behind a low-pressure system and just ahead of another forming behind us.  They are expected to merge but hopefully we’ll stay away from them.

If it seems like I’m blathering on, I am because there’s not a great deal to write about. One thing I can mention is the entertainment we’ve had on the ship for the last several days.  As we’ve sailed along at various ports we’ve picked up guest entertainers who do a couple of shows in the next several days and then get off at another port.  The vast majority have been very good with only a few being so-so.  In Kobe we picked up a wonderful group.  We’ve had a fantastic R&B and soul singer.  Two talented cellists from Poland whom I’ve seen perform on another cruise did a couple of shows and an Australian who sings Johnny Cash did another.  We also have an extraordinary Japanese pianist who performed twice for us.  This evening all of them and our very talented cruise director John and Melody who I wrote about yesterday are doing a variety show which I’m looking forward to.  I think all the guests are leaving us in Kodiak, Alaska in a few days and we’ll be getting some new ones. Whoever comes will have big shoes to fill.

Let me also talk about some of the wonderful people who take care of me at breakfast and lunch in the Colonnade.  Ivy and Phiwa make sure I have blueberries (when there are any on the ship – we’ve run out for the moment) for my breakfast every day.  They keep a little bowl below the counter for me.  George is a Maître d’ who makes sure everything is running smoothly and rustles up a BLT sandwich and onion rings when I ask for them.  Sheena makes sure I get a cappuccino almost as soon as I sit down.  How spoiled am I?  

Well, I guess that’s all for now.  It’s a tough job sailing on the Seabourn Odyssey but I’m so glad I’m doing it.


Katie said...

Losing time is the worst, I agree! Much better to have an extra hour of sleep each night than for that hour to vanish.

Thanks for the updates, as usual! Glad you've had pleasant sailing & hope you have fun in Alaska.

Cyndi & Ed said...

I understand you having a problem about time,,,, what’s my excuse? It seems to happen to me all the time LOL. good luck at trivia

Anonymous said...

The wonderful staff on my cruises have always been right up there as the best part of cruising. I always hope they are enjoying their job as they have all left behind people they love. Glad you are still having fun!