Monday, May 7, 2018

May 5 - A Day at Sea (Finally!)

We had an uneventful day.  Some people don’t like sea days but we enjoy them.  WE slept a little late and our big activity of the day was noon team trivia. Seabourn does this differently from some cruise lines.  Team trivia is a cumulative event so since we have three sea days on this cruise we add the totals from each day to determine the winner.  Each team has no more than 10 players and you pick out a team name.  Ours is “The Globetrotters.” We have 5 Americans and five Australians.  Wonder of wonders, we are in the lead by 20 points after the first day!  I hope I haven’t jinxed us by writing that!

We spent the rest of the day catching up on e-mails and generally being lazy.  The seas were nice and calm and we were always within sight of the Spanish coast.  We were invited to the captain’s table again; last time he hadn’t assumed command yet but now he’s in charge.  He is a delightful young man who I expect will one day be the senior captain for this cruise line or Holland America which is paired with Seabourn in the Carnival Corporation.

Some comments about the food and service are in order.  I think of all our cruises the food this trip has been the best so far as has the service.  We are constantly greeted by name in the dining venues and the staff knows our preferences so they come without ordering them.  The chef looks like he enjoys cooking and food.  I like that; a skinny chef makes me a little suspicious (just kidding).

Anyway it was a great day.  I’ve no photos to post.  I’m still trying to figure this iPhone camera issue out.

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